Project Lead: University of Applied Sciences Wismar
Creative Traditional Companies Cooperation
CTCC is a non-profit project, part-financed from the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) within the South Baltic Programme 2014-2020. The CTCC consortium consists of 10 European partners and more than 30 associated stakeholders. We are aiming at enhancing innovation capacity and transnational cooperation to reach out new markets as well as improving innovation performance within product, service, processes and market portfolios of traditional SME's (small and medium-sized enterprises).

Key Facts
- Region
South Baltic Sea Region with partners from Poland, Schweden, Lithuania and Germany.
- Project Duration
July 2017 - January 2021
- Funding
The CTCC project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund with 1.324 323,75 EUR.
- Team Size / Partners
CTCC consortium consists of 10 committed partners: Hochschule Wismar - University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design (D), ATI erc gGmbH (D), fint e.V. - Gemeinsam Wandel gestalten (D), Public institution Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Centre (LT), Association Rietavas Women Employment Centre (LT), Klaipeda Science and Technology Park (LT), Media Dizajn (PL), Pomeranian Science and Technology Park (PL), Association of Polish Communes of Euroregion Baltic (PL) and Blekinge Institute of Technology (SE).
- Website
- Contact
Dr. Laima Gerlitz, Hochschule Wismar, European Project Center
Target Group
We are happy to collaborate with traditional SME's, aspiring entrepreneurs and stakeholders of the creative industry willing to invest time, resources and expertise to develop innovative prototypes and up-to-date services that are of high-class quality, user-friendly, highly value-driven and sustainable.
In particular, we are implementing the following:
1. Triple-helix creative-business partnership and creative brokering platform facilitating innovation and sustainability within traditional SME's.
2. Cross-sectoral innovation training methodology.
3. Over thirty specific demand-driven innovation solutions and business models for traditional SME's and Baltic Sea regions involved.
4. Four sustainable self-running and financing mechanisms for valorisation beyond the project lifetime: yearly entrepreneurship contest, university-business partnership platform, triple-helix training programme and cross-border competence mobility centres for cross-sectoral innovation.
Condition of Success
Readiness to participate with your company in an innovation-driven prototyping process to solve design challenges or innovation obstacles.
Readiness to find attractive ways to approach and enter new markets by coworking with the creative industry and outstanding experts.
Readiness to take advantage of state-of-the-art knowledge and elaborated methodologies/tools from other regions and overseas to develop innovations.
Readiness to take part in international networking, present the project achievements throughout international trade shows and themed exhibitions and reach out for new markets.
The CTCC collaboration is a unique lighthouse for SME's capacity-building and breakthrough in cross-sectoral innovation.